En esta obra se narra la historia de un hombre que desde su infancia tenía una auténtica pasión por los animales. Se casó joven y tuvo suerte de que su mujer le proporcionara unos animales. Ellos tuvieron pájaros, un pez de color de oro, un magnifico perro, conejos, un mono pequeño y un gato. Este último animal llamado Plutón, era muy fuerte y bello. Plutón seguía al hombre por todos lados, pero con el paso de los años, el hombre cambio su carácter y temperamento, por culpa del alcohol. El hombre lastimaba a los animales a excepción de Plutón, pues el todavía no despertaba odio en él. Plutón envejecía y se hacía más huraño con el hombre por culpa del alcohol. Una noche regresaba completamente ebrio, le pareció que el gato evitaba su presencia. Lo cogió, pero el horrorizado por su violenta actitud, le hizo en la mano, con los dientes una leve herida. Repentinamente se apodero de él un odio hacia el gato. Del bolsillo saco un cortaplumas, lo abrió, lo cogió y él le vació un...
Reach for the Skies The Great Pyramid of Giza was completed in 2570 BCE. With its vast dimensions for that time, it was classified as the tallest structure on Earth. In fact, at 480 ft. high, it remained the tallest structure for thousands of years. The Eiffel Tower held the record in the late 19th century. After that, the tallest structure was a skyscraper called the Chrysler Building, built in New York in 1930 with a height of 1,046 ft. A year later, just a few blocks away, the Empire State Building rose to a height of 1,250 ft., making in the tallest building in the world from 1931 until 1972. In fact, it is one of the easiest buildings worlwide to identify and has appeared in over 100 movies, most famously the 1933 and 2005 versions of King Kong. Up to this day, once a year, the Empire Sate Building holds the world's most famous stair-climbing competition. Competitors race up the building's 1,576 steps as quickly as they can - sometimes in less than ten minutes! Nowadays, t...
The Time Machine Robert and James are students at the London School of Drama. They live together in an apartment near the banks of the River Thames. It was the time of year for exams and the two friends had been studying all day when, at five o' clock in the afternoon, they finally decided to take a break and go out for a cup of coffee. It was a cold and windy afternoon and the sky was quickly turning black. People, buried under their think winter coats, were rushing home from work to keep warm. Nobody noticed the small silver box that had been left on the road near the old stone bridge. It was only when Robert knocked it with his foot that the two young men saw the box shining on the ground. Robert bent down and picked it up and noticed that something was written on the top. He looked closely and read, “Open me and you will find a time that's not been left behind.” How strange! “Do you think I should open it?” he asked. “Of course, it's just an old box, let's ...
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